Dana Sibilsky Parenting Tips

The most common nightmare for parents is to deal with their screaming child and being embarrassed while out in public when their child decides to act unfavorable, throwing a tantrum for the world to see.

When I was growing up, my siblings and myself never once acted out disrespectfully when things didn’t go our way. We were too scared to do so. My mother was a strong disciplinarian meaning she had no problems with spanking us when she believed it was necessary. image

Whether it’s old fashioned or not acceptable in today’s society, which it isn’t, sadly, not many people can argue that it does not work.

Today, however, disciplining your children is the thing that is unfavorable and I must say it’s ridiculous. In my many years as a psychiatrist, I’ve never heard of repressed stories of how their parents disciplined them as children. I have heard of terrible outcomes because they were beaten as children.

What’s the difference?

The difference between disciplining your child and outright beating them is very simple: Children are disciplined out of love. Children are beaten out of anger, frustration, malice, etc. What is worse? A parent who sees their child doing wrong and acts accordingly to instill respect in the child’s life or a parent who does nothing?

Whatever side you may lean towards, I know without a doubt we all appreciate those children who have been trained and brought up to respect those around them. That doesn’t happen without parental intervention.